BORA Activities
We speak with colleagues in non-university research institutions as well as with the University of Bonn about needs and opportunities for collaboration. The staff unit therefore deals with cross-cutting institutional concerns as well as with overarching topics that are relevant for the entire scientific landscape in Bonn. It provides support, for example, on request and for strategically meaningful fields of research and action with the aim of creating added value for Bonn's scientific landscape.
On this page you will find an overview of all activities, formats and initiatives offered, organized and/or supported by the Staff Unit for the Bonn Research Alliance (BORA).
Meeting Formats

BORA Leadership Forum
The members of the BORA Leadership Forum meet regularly to exchange views on key current developments in the scientific landscape and the region as well as on topics of cooperation. The forum also serves to develop and coordinate common goals and strategies.
Representatives are invited by the Rector of the University of Bonn; upon occasion, colleagues can be nominated by the leaders of BORA member organizations.

Meet & Greets
The Meet & Greets bring together people who work in a similar area in differently structured institutions or who deal with similar issues in their day-to-day work. The aim is to get to know each other, exchange information and discuss needs, challenges and best practices with colleagues.
BORA Meet & Greets take place on the following topics: International Affairs; Diversity & Equal Opportunities; Dual Career.
Participation at the invitation of the staff unit. Please contact Una Kliemann if you are interested in joining the collegial circles or in a new topic for exchange.

Collegial Exchanges
Many contemporary political issues - such as sustainability or migration - are the subject of scientific debate, institutional development and social commitment. We deal with such “interface topics” in inter-institutional collegial exchange, primarily in the form of round tables and workshops.
The staff unit is involved in the following initiatives: Bonn Platform for Forced Migration Studies; Working Group Plural Sustainabilities.
Events are either open to all interested parties or for a closed group of participants.
We support initiatives that jointly advance relevant topics for Bonn's science scape. This includes, for example, collegial scientific exchange, thematic cooperation platforms and working groups that bring together or harness expertise across institutions.
These initiatives have resulted in projects or have become part of projects, each of which is, however, limited in time. It is also important to secure knowledge and exchange through networking between project phases.

Bonn Platform for Forced Migration Studies
Bonn is home to many experts working in the field of (forced) migration. We pool this expertise in various active formats and expand it together, particularly in the area of transdisciplinarity.

Working Group Plural Sustainabilities
The "Alternative Sustainabilities" working group brings together researchers and practitioners working in the field of sustainability and sustainable development (in the broadest sense).

Bring in your own topic and design thinking spaces together
Help shape the scientific landscape in Bonn! Contribute your topic and network with experts across institutional boundaries.
We are happy to support you. Please contact Sandra Gilgan.
Events and Newsarchive
You can find all upcoming events at a glance in our calendar of events.
Reports on past events involving the staff unit for BORA can be found in the news archive.